Autumn Adventure

When autumn arrives, nature's scenery also transforms, and taking a walk amidst the various colors of leaves is an unparalleled experience. Whether you appreciate red, yellow, or orange leaves, these beautiful sights can make you feel refreshed and deeply intoxicated.

Different places also showcase their unique characteristics in autumn, tempting travelers to embark on a journey and explore these magical sceneries.

Scottish Heights

The Scottish Highlands are the best places to witness autumn leaves.

Although some areas here are known for their desolate landscapes, the Scottish highlands are surrounded by dense forests and grasslands, making them an ideal spot to experience the beauty of autumn. The flowers here turn purple in autumn, while the forest takes on a typical bright color in autumn.

New Zealand

If you want to avoid large tour groups, then autumn is one of the best seasons to travel to New Zealand. There are ancient mountains, sparkling lakes, and endless forests to make the autumn here even more beautiful. The most popular yellow poplar trees in New Zealand have also made it a unique place for autumn leaves.


Looking at the Canadian national flag, you know the importance of the maple leaf in this country.

Canadians' love for maple leaves is far more enthusiastic than you think. The national flag is a maple leaf, the national tree is a maple tree, and the national flower is a maple leaf.

Maple forests in Canada are everywhere. Whenever the maple leaves turn red, like the sunset or the blooming flowers of summer. Among them, the most beautiful maple leaves can be seen in Quebec and Ontario provinces in the southeast.


Madrid is the capital of Spain and a tourism and cultural center in Southern Europe. It's rich artistic activities and active nightlife have also made it famous.

When you visit Madrid in autumn, you can take a walk in Lichi Park and appreciate the beautiful scenery of falling leaves or stroll through the streets and alleys of Madrid, and admire the beautiful buildings with different styles. The exquisite scenery here will undoubtedly leave you feeling intoxicated.


Autumn is one of the best seasons to travel to France, particularly in the Provence and L'Orcal regions in the south. The vineyards and sunflowers here turn golden and red in autumn.

Moreover, French cities and villages also have a unique autumn charm. You can take a walk on the stone streets of Mont-Saint-Michel, enjoy the warmth of the autumn sun, or visit the town of Provence to taste the local food.

United States

In the United States, New England is an excellent place for autumn. The maple and oak trees here turn red, orange, and yellow in autumn, creating a charming sight.

Additionally, you can also appreciate the golden yellow poplars and red maple trees on the mountains in the Mountains of Colorado or visit ancient villages and gorgeous red leaves in the Hudson Valley of New York.

Autumn is a perfect season to travel and appreciate the beauty of nature. The above-mentioned places showcase unique characteristics and will undoubtedly make your autumn journey unforgettable.