The Most Beautiful Roads

Switzerland, with its refreshing air and immaculate roads, its dreamy European architecture along clean streets, its villages adorned with snowy mountains and green grass, and its beautiful ice-capped lakes, is a fairy tale world.

From the end of March to the beginning of April, more than 300 species of camellias compete in Switzerland. The snow-covered mountain tops are in full bloom, and the sun, snow, and palm trees create an early spring display of camellias.

During this time of year, camellia lovers flock to the Lake Maggiore region to enjoy the flowers, embrace the rejuvenating spring atmosphere, and enter a dreamy world of camellias.

1. Grimsel Pass Road

Switzerland offers magnificent scenery, and the Grimsel Pass road spans 37 kilometers through steep granite terrain, reaching an elevation of 2,165 meters above sea level.

It serves as the only direct link between Bern and the canton of Valais, showcasing sheer cantilevered beauty throughout the journey. The road is surrounded by stunning landscapes, including snow-capped mountains, glaciers, wilderness, forests, lakes, castles, farms, and scenic trains.

Cattle can be seen grazing, while roads and streams meander around the peaks like curling ribbons. Discreetly scattered short brown roofs harmoniously blend into the scenery, creating an interconnected and picturesque vista.

2. Zernez - Silvaplana

Embarking on a journey along the Inn River from Zernez to Silvaplana is an excellent way to experience the grandeur of this region.

With an altitude difference of 1,700 meters, driving through the Alpine valley offers captivating views of clear blue rivers, lush forests, and vibrantly colored villages like Zouz, Madulain, and Pontresina. In the afternoons, a gentle breeze from Mallorca accompanies kitesurfers gracefully skimming over Lake Silvaplana like butterflies.

Along the way, make a stop at Punt Muragl to take the cable car to Muotta Muragl, allowing you to relish the panoramic view from a higher altitude and leisurely stroll along the lakeshore in St. Moritz.

3. Burgdorf - Affoltern

This journey winds through the mysterious and enchanting Emmental region. After crossing the Burgdorf and Emme rivers, turn right and follow a path that takes you through dense forests and up onto the plateau before continuing towards Hueb.

Along the route, you'll encounter magnificent local farmhouses with sturdy roofs. Lueg, always basking in sunlight, serves as a delightful highlight along the way. When the valley is shrouded in fog, locals flock here to enjoy the sunshine. As you drive toward Affoltern, picturesque hamlets like Heiligenland, numerous beautiful gardens, and vast pastures paint a charming picture of country life.

4. Corseaux - Lutry

The route leads from Corseaux, ascending to Chebres, before winding along the cliffs and passing through the terraced vineyards. While the road may be narrow, it offers numerous opportunities to pause and appreciate the picturesque vistas.

From here, the eye can sweep across the vine-covered hills, dry stone walls, and charming winemaking villages. As the gaze extends further, it encompasses the vast expanse of Lake Geneva and the majestic Alps in the distance.

The route takes you through the quaint village of Epesses, as well as Riex and Grandvaux, before finally reaching Luttreux on the shores of the lake. The views from this point are truly breathtaking. The Lavaux region's beauty is so extraordinary that it appears almost surreal, reminiscent of a captivating fairy tale.

Nowhere else in the world can you find a country as tranquil and pristine as Switzerland. With its mirror-like blue lakes and majestic snow-capped peaks, Switzerland truly embodies the essence of a breathtaking landscape.